Hi, I’m Sophia

I’m a wild mama, fertility awareness educator, and radical birthkeeper.

My passion and purpose is supporting women in off-grid family planning and birthing in power.

Like you, I seek to live close to the earth, in alignment with the rhythms of nature, my cycles, and with deep respect for my innate design. I know that, as women, our connectedness to our world is rooted in our wombs.

Fertility and birth belong to women and families, not the industrial-pharmaco-medical complex. My deepest desire is to walk with you, as you exit the matrix/system and reclaim your bodily autonomy and personal sovereignty, which will then overflow into your family, and from there into the world.

My story


At the age of 12, and later more intensely at 15, I first felt the call to serve women in birth. I witnessed my mother giving birth when I was 15, which planted a seed in my heart and mind that began to sprout and bloom in earnest a few years later when I completed two years of training to be a Fertility Awareness Educator.

Then, after the birth of my first child, which was at home yet disturbed by unwanted cervical checks and painful digital manipulation of my cervix from my medwives, I had deep trauma to work through. I thought I was well-informed on “natural birth” and yet in my own birth I externalized my authority to my dominant medwife, with no sense of instinct as I disassociated in her presence. This shook me, and revealed to me how much more work I needed to do to claim authority over my own body, self, and experiences.

Then 2020 hit and added to the questioning of all systems of power that exert over us in our lives, limiting our concept of our human capacities and creativity. I spent months working through the ways in which I still felt tethered to the System, one by one taking a proverbial axe to those chains.

Because of my own experiences, I am on fire to claim my own autonomy, and to help other women and families do the same.

You won’t find me recommending ultrasounds, Pap smears, genetic testing, Doppler, injections, pharmaceuticals, cervical checks, or any other intrusive intervention whose core purpose is grooming women (and their babies) for submission. You will find me supporting you as you reclaim your own radical woman, returning to the root (wrad) of your innate wisdom, so the tree of your life can rise up with strength and stability, unswayed by narratives that pathologize fertility and birth.

My Experiences

• 1 of 2 years with Justisse College International: Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner program (left due to serious ideological differences that made it unsustainable to continue)

• 1 year with FEMM: Certified Fertility Awareness Educator program

• Freebirth Society Radical Birth Keeper School (in a cohort with 85 other women all called to traditional birth support)

• 9 years of self-initiated learning about fertility, cycles, and fertility awareness

• 17 years of self-initiated learning and exploration of pregnancy and birth

• 12 years of personalized resourcing for women and mothers in fertility, wholistic health, nutrition, preconception preparation, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and breastfeeding (see offerings if you are interested in this service as well)

• My own homebirthing, which was the most expansive initiation of all, and opened my eyes even further to the medicalization of modern “midwifery” even at home, and how many midwives are truly medwives and routinely disturb birth with interventions and a lack of holding the woman in her own innate power (the lessons learned from this deeply inform my radical birth keeping, and I often share my stories with women when we meet)

• My powerful (less than 2 hours) freebirth!